Zippy Wanjiku
3 min readJun 23, 2021

The more I live the more I realize this life thing is not set. I mean when I was a youngin, I thought 20 years olds had life figured out. When I got there I realized I was still a child. Actually it did not hit me that I was an adult till I was 21. Do I speak for us all?

I met a 33 year old man back in April. He shared his story with me and basically o’ boy has not been to his home country for about 10 years and was currently moving back because financially it was becoming a burden for him to live in a different country. Whoever brought him there was not taking good care of him like he should have and he didn’t realize it. You know how you’re on autopilot when you first move to a different country? He stayed on autopilot for 10 years and woke up three years ago only to realize that he did not have proper papers to make his next move.

Dear kids about to turn into adults, The sooner you are financially capable the better. The sooner you’re paying your way through life the more aware of it you become. I used to think I was aware because I did not grow up with a silver spoon but it turns out even children raised by their parents can be very unaware. Knowing how to get money is a skill you NEED! ASAP! Honestly if you lack motivation, if you lack character, or even if you squander every dime you catch which is a whole problem in and of itself, learn how to GET money!

That is the first skill in adulthood. Growing up my mom had a wealthy friend who would say money buys happiness. And I debated with her all the time but she would always beat me by saying something witty like, “Well then Zippy, we’ll see how happy you are when you can’t afford food.” Forgive me Laurie, I was dumb! I see that now. I am at a place in my life where my happiness can be bought. I’ve applied to jobs so much with not even a response that they received my application.

Back to my friend; Now he’s moved back and has been job searching in a country he’s not lived in for 10 years. He knows no one, according to him the old neighborhood has completely changed and his friends are all different people. They’re married with kids, have jobs they hate, and are just grinding. Some are in the same place he is in. He’s basically at ground zero after years of school and practice and proving himself.

Even worse, I went to a bible study last week and met a 50 something old in the same exact condition. These two are basically applying to the same jobs. She had to move in with her mother who does not understand how she has not been able to keep supporting her at her age. That’s a whole other story though.

Lacking money as an adult means staying at home all day going partially crazy. Talking to yourself about all your goals and dreams only to realize you should be dreaming about a job. If you make plans with your friends you have to cancel because you don’t have the money to go out and eat for the next five days. But on the brighter side of life; all this is somehow funny. You find yourself laughing too hard at the fact that you cannot afford to go to church! The I See right now: money buys happiness! Maybe one day I’ll have money and other problems and tell you something different. I’m hopeful.

