Death By Betrayal

Zippy Wanjiku
4 min readJul 28, 2021

I know what you’re thinking. How dare I start talking about such an important topic then completely leave you hanging. My findings upon my research on the topic of black male leadership led me to a dangerous, dark alley I can no longer explore. I am sorry. I have a great understanding of the power of words, maybe that is why I overanalyze everything said to me. And the problem with saying and even more permanently writing them can be very damaging. We quote things from centuries ago to support arguments now and in my self-discovery, I do not want to be associated with the end of my people.

While I feel responsible and part of the larger problem I do not believe it would be fair for me to take on such a large-scale problem. I could I guess but I will not because (and speaking of citing texts of the past) “the poor man’s wisdom is despised, and his words are no longer heeded.” If I told you that I learned and the conclusion I came to was not only dangerous but a repeat of history you would not believe me. Most of us believe we live in a better world than our ancestors but how much better are we if what we’re creating and doing leads to our destruction?

How many times do we talk about climate change and then continue to buy plastic bottles and bags? It’s like knowing you will die if you do not drink water but decide, “I’ll drink it every other day then!” it’s okay, don’t worry somehow nature will sort itself out. I wonder though, do we really disagree on matters or do people refuse to see simple reasoning? Remember I am not talking about climate change!

The problem with consequences is we do not get to choose them. I am watching this TV show and on it is the concept of magic and how it has a consequence. The irony is that the magicians know this yet they perform dangerous magic and when they see the price they cry about and perform another magical act to forget. Isn’t that the real human condition? We always have to learn the same lesson 1000 times before we absorb it. The flaw in our nature is simply madness.

All this to say black men, it’s okay to be who you are now because today’s society allows you, and best believe it is the society that allows you. Freedom is great, but there is always a consequence and if you’re not paying for it now guess what? “..The iniquity of the fathers visit the children, and upon the third and upon the fourth generation…” The future is not bright. Matter of fact it is so dark because the new world will require you to fight for your life, physically on a daily basis.

Nicki Minaj says, “See this is chess, not checkers, and you cannot check the checkers.” You honestly do not have to dig too deep. The truth stands in front of you. The problem is foresight and the ability to stomach it. It is not packaged properly but again when your mother did not teach you, the streets must. And as you were forewarned, they are not kind or gentle or wish you well. Sometimes you must look for the truth in the mud and clean it up yourself so your children don’t have to. I am sorry I cannot be the one to clean it up for you. Mostly because I do not believe you would take it from either. I have no authority over you, I have no motivation for you to change but black man you need to change this path you’re on.

It is either leading to your extinction or your destruction. People do not change from fear, they adapt to survive and resort to whatever offers them hope of a day they do not live in fear. Suppressed power is definitely bad to keep around. If people have to constantly adjust themselves around you they do not present their true self with you, they keep that in private and they have that power over you. There is no worse betrayal than that of a close friend. No one knew this better than David, the second king of Israel. He wrote this “My friend acts violently against those at peace with him; he violates his covenant. His buttery words are smooth, but war is in his heart. His words are softer than oil, but they are drawn swords.”

Yours truly….

